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4 Growth Marketing Strategies: How to Scale Your Brand

Every business wants to grow. Of course, growth can be challenging. One of the best ways to make sure your brand stays relevant in today’s cutthroat market is by using proven marketing growth marketing strategies.

By utilizing 4 different growth hacking techniques; research, experimentation, automation, and optimization, businesses are able to scale their business at a rapid rate while maintaining high levels of success.

Here are 4 marketing growth strategies that can help to grow your business: SEO, automation, data mining, and A/B testing.

  • Data Mining: Data mining to learn about your customers or potential customers’ needs with more precision so you can better serve them.
  • SEO: SEO for growth is great to improve brand awareness and visibility. Identify the right keywords and search terms that relate to what you’re offering with online tools, like Google Trends or SEMrush. Optimize your website for search engines by making sure you have the right keywords, content, and other important parts of a good SEO strategy.
  • A/B Testing: Run A/B tests on landing pages by changing a couple of elements at a time. A/B testing helps us understand what works best when it comes to design
  • Automation: Automation to increase efficiency in marketing campaigns. We’ll talk about using technology that manages marketing processes and multifunctional campaigns, across multiple channels, automatically.

Before we get into the 4 different strategies, we have to talk about creating a solid foundation to grow your brand.

Data Mining: It All Starts With Customer Research

One of the first things that any company needs to do is determine what their customer needs and wants. You need to step into your customer’s shoes, understand what keeps them up at night and why they would need to use your product.

A startup like EasyLlama, a compliance training company, deals with customers who absolutely needs to follow the rules and regulations of the law, has a less specific avatar.

However, this step is often overlooked by brands. If you’re trying to grow your business, this is the place to start. 

This will help in determining what kind of products or services they need and tailor these around their pain points. You want to make sure that whatever product or service you provide has a good fit for them so it can be used as quickly as possible (providing value).

Ask your current users why they like your product, what alternatives to your product, what they don’t like about your product, and what would make them use it more. 

This is a good time to get feedback on potential ideas for new features or products. Try to create an avatar for who your “best customer” is. Your avatar should be your highest paying customer, the ones that stick with your brand the longest, and have the most influence.

After you identify your customer, study them like they’re a part of your family. What are their values? How can you provide value to make sure they stay loyal? Make these people feel special by taking interest in what is happening with them personally or professionally on a daily basis and creating ways for both parties.

Search Engine Optimization For Leads On Autopilot…

The future is online. If your business is serious about attracting new leads, you’re going to need a marketing strategy that takes advantage of the internet’s reach.

No matter what industry you’re in, we have an SEO strategy for your business and budget which will help drive qualified traffic to your website…

SEO is a very esoteric topic, but if you get it right, you can drive additional (free) traffic and visibility in organic search to boost your business. In order to get SEO, leads on autopilot, you’ll need to apply content/link/keyword research, on-page optimizations, technical audits, content creation, and the ability to do massive PR/Awareness/Brand campaigns.

Google is always releasing algorithm updates, so I’d recommend you hire an SEO growth marketer who stays up to date with all the changes and is in the trenches, ranking websites every day.

The future is now, if you want to keep up with the competition and reach new customers, then it’s time that you invest in SEO.

In fact, if you are ready to build out and implement your organic SEO strategy, you can apply to work with me here.

Why Experimentation Or A/B Testing Can Help Your Brand Grow

After you researched who your customers are, what their needs are, and how they think, the next strategy is experimentation. By analyzing data and metrics, you know the areas which can use improvement, so you tun an A/B test experiment for those areas.

An A/B test is an experiment where you have two variants, and the goal is to measure which variant performs better.

For example, a classic A/B test is a website homepage with one version of copywriting and design versus another page with different copywriting or designs. Test whichever combination you think will perform best using analytics software like Google Analytics. Test what kind of messaging, calls to action, or design elements work best with your target audience.

It is important to know what you want from the test and have a hypothesis as to why one version will perform better. You can’t just blindly A/B test without knowing what you’re looking for in advance; that’s called “data mining.”

Perhaps you want to conduct a marketing campaign and you want to test your business’s pay structure from freemium to pay-per-use. These decisions are costly — and they are often leaps of faith.

Your goal is to mitigate risk so you can spend your money on what matters. A/B testing helps us do that by subjecting different iterations of our marketing campaign to a small selection of people and measuring the results from each.

Automate Your Business

A business can grow by automating some of the processes involved in running it. Automation pays for itself quickly due to lower operating costs, reduced lead times, and increased output.

Automation allows you to scale very quickly. In order to build out a successful automation workflow, start with the end in mind and then work your way back.

Some examples of marketing automation you can use in your business are:

  • Lead-Nurturing: use an auto-responder to remind prospects to buy and follow up with them. An autoresponder software can help with lead scoring, email scheduling, and customizable templates for each stage of the sales process
  • Social Media Marketing: use marketing automation software like Hootsuite or Agorapulse as a way to automatically coordinate your social media content across multiple platforms. One of the best benefits of using social media automation software is can help you analyze your social media marketing efforts with detailed reports so you can learn what resonates with your audience.
  • Google Adwords: there are tools available for you to optimize and automate your ad campaigns. The tools can find the most cost-effective bid for your campaigns, which keywords to attract relevant users, create dynamic ads, and much more.
  • Connect Your Applications: Tools like Zapier are great for connecting apps so they could work together in order to allow you to automate your processes. This means that for example, if an order has been placed through WooCommerce then the customer can automatically receive a notification via email, or SMS text message with their shipping details via Twilio when it is ready.

Try to get creative about what you can automate, whether it’s your marketing campaigns, social media management, or even the design and development of a new website.

You might be thinking that this is not something you can do yourself but with some time and dedication, anyone can automate anything.


You should now be equipped with 4 strategies to help scale your business through effective strategic marketing plans that you can create for yourself or have a professional do it. There is no one size fits all solution, so

Don’t forget that there’s always room for creativity. What creative ways have you grown a business in the past? I’d love to hear about it. Drop me a line here and we can chat about growth strategies for your biz.